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Paper Flowers for Beginners

If you are new to paper flower making, you are in the right place! 

I will teach you all the basics of how to put together beautiful paper flowers!

Let’s get started!

When you first start making the paper flowers, all you need is some card stock papers, scissors, and hot glue. If you think you want to get into more depth of paper flower making, please check my post about “the Supply List.”

Step 1: Print and Cut the template

Step 2: Curl the Petals

There are so many ways to curl the petals. Even with the same template, you can make a variety of flowers just by curling the petals differently. Here are some examples. 

Step 3: Cut a Slit

Depending on how long the slit and how much the overlap you make will decide the height of the petals. The rule of thumb is: Long slit + shallow overlap will make flatter petals. (the petal will sit lower). Conversely, a short slit + deep overlap will make the petal stands up more.

Step 4: Use a Base

It is easier to position the petal evenly if you use a base. I make a base according to the petal number.

Step 5: Numbers of the Layer

You can make differently styled flowers by changing the numbers of the layer. It is a great way to have a whole set for a wall decoration using just one template.

Step 6: The Flower Center

When you first start making paper flowers, the simple flower center is the fringe center. You can cut the fringes out of paper strips. If you combine different sizes and widths of the fringes, you can make quite a variety. 

Once you pass the beginner stage and want to venture out a new look, there are a few things you can do. 

  1. Buy a flower-shaped punch. It is an alternative to the Cricut machine. 
  2. Buy a paper cutter. (board type) It can mimic many of the intricate flower centers. 
  3. Buy a Cricut machine. It is not necessary, but you can widen your paper flower making to the next level. 

Step 7: Make Differently-Sized Flowers

When you have a few of 2 or 3 different sized flowers, it’s easy to put together a wall decoration. 

Start with 3 colors and 3 sizes. You will be surprised how good your flowers look! 

If you want to know more about paper flower making, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel-PaperLuv. There are over 180 tutorials to explore! It will keep you busy for a while 🙂