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What is Cricut Access? Do I Need It?

You are new to Cricut and maybe feeling already overwhelmed.
There is new terminology on top of new skills to learn.
But don’t worry!! Before your creativity escapes,
I will guide you to learn a few basics, and you are good to go!

Cricut Design Space & Cricut Access

First confusion is this.

What is Cricut Design Space? and What is Cricut Access? 

Cricut Design Space is a design software that comes with your Cricut machine. It is free and cloud-based. It is relatively easy to learn, and all your creation will go through this app. It looks like this.(below)

Cricut Access is a paid subscription inside Cricut Design Space. 

With Cricut Access, you literary have an access to over 100,000 images and fonts. 

The above image is an example of how it looks like inside the Cricut Design Space. When you see the green “a” icon next to the images or fonts, that means you will need Cricut Access to use these images/fonts.

Is it worth to get Cricut Access?

Yes, it is worth it if you don’t have any other resources. Because you may be buying every image you use from Etsy $1-$5/piece, for example. Then, you will be spending $$ amount soon. Cricut Access already has so many images and fonts. It will surely encourage you to use your machine more.


If you can create your image like me, you don’t need it. Because most likely, you are using your images.

Pros of Having Cricut Access

• You will have over 100,000 images ready to use for your projects.
• I will encourage you to use your machine more.
• Everything is in one place. (vs checking multiple online shops to look for images)
• Beautiful designs are made for Cricut use. (in other words, it’s convenient!)
• It will inspire you for new project ideas.

Cons of Having Cricut Access

• Recurring expenses. When you stop your subscription, you will lose free access to Cricut Access images.
• If you make your designs, you may have a hard time adjusting other people’s designs.
• You can only use their images/fonts on Cricut Design Space. (you cannot download or integrate into other programs such as Illustrator or Inkscape.)


It’s all coming down to how you use Cricut and how often you create. Personally, I have mixed feeling for Cricut Access. I do have a subscription, but I rarely use it. Because I make all my designs. But I found it convenient to have extra set of fonts there. So these points are something for you to consider!